Trivia you don't share because it makes you sound high.
Aug 18, 2021 15:26:13 GMT
via Tapatalk
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Post by stratogustav on Aug 18, 2021 15:26:13 GMT
Here is some of mine (I purposely highlighted in black important words for easy Google searches):
- According to our ancestors, ancient civilizations had the ability to travel to Mars back and forth before Mars lost their atmosphere in a supposedly war against the giant planet that was between them and Jupiter, which is where the asteroid belt is now.
- Ancient civilizations had aerial means of transportation as the Nazca lines demonstrate.
- Ancient civilizations were connected around the world respecting Earth's electromagnetic field, and they were proud of their architectural differences, which is why some distinctive architectural characteristics of each culture are still found even with ruins submerged under waters close to where these cultures resided.
- According to our ancestors, extraterrestrial beings or sky beings had a significant communication with them, which is why you can even find the Grey alien species represented at the archeological site of Puma Punku.
- According to Sumerians stories, our ancestors before the big flood had the knowledge to genetically breed different species of animals.
- Large deserts on the planet used to be green forest areas with rich vegetation. The reason why 25% of the Sahara is made of sand and it's rich in salt, is because it was flooded at some point.
- The Egyptian pyramids are a lot older than the scientific community claims. The Sphinx of Egypt was likely made during the mesolithic period.
- Inca people told the Spaniards during the 16th century that Machu Picchu was built by giants around 11,000 years ago then, so around 11,500 years ago now.
- Atlas was at some point king of the world, and the world's capital was one of the ten cities of Atlantis somewhere in northern Africa. Atlas carrying the world was just a poetic representation of his burden as a leader.
- Pangea that seemingly connects the shape of Africa with the shape of South America, may not be as older as geologist claim. The big flood many ancient civilizations around the world talk about could have been a result of these platonic movements that occured rather rapidly, as wild as that may sound, and possibly wiped out previous advance civilizations as ancient texts suggest.
- Dinosaurs and humans coexisted at the same time as the Ica stones demonstrate. Around 50,000 of these stones have been found in South America centuries older than the date the first dinosaur fossil was ever found, which makes it hard to point them as a hoax for that reason.
- According to ancient texts, many extraterrestrials or sky beings mate with human women and had children (Nephilim) that became giants or powerful heroes like mythological figures such as Samson and Hercules.
- Egyptians claim that their founders came from the Orion's constellation, and the pyramids were made matching the positioning of Orion's belt stars for that reason.
- Angels are space beings that are luminous, and the light that emanates from them is what makes it look like they have wings as seem by 6 different cellphone video cameras, and Israel's own weather satellite imagery when they appeared on Temple Mount in 2011. It was so controversial that some people try to edit on top to discredit the event.
- Iraq was Babylon, and before that it was Mesopotamia were the Sumerians lived. The Annunaki were sky visitors that had wrist watches and carried purses.
- Eden was described to be a place located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Those rivers still exist today surrounding Iraq.
- The creation mythical story is poetic, not literal, so when it says the spirit was moving over the water it likely refers that life was already found on the water in the form of microorganisms, and that the Earth didn't have a proper type of atmosphere, so it was modified in order for plants, animals, and then humans, were able to live on the planet. The previous atmosphere used to cover the visibility of the Sun, but it was made clear for life to flourish on our planet.
- Akira Toriyama based his Goku name on Quetzalcoatl, also known as Kukulkán, and also known as Gukumatz for Mayans in Central America. A space being that taught love and performed miracles. He had a human nature represented by a serpent which is the closest animal to the Earth, and a divine nature represented by his feathers which come from birds and the closest animals to the sky. This is also why his show contains many serpentine dragon symbolism also found in many Asian cultures.
- The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun. But the Moon is also about 400 times closer to the Earth than is the Sun. As a result, the size of the Moon on our sky matches the size of the Sun. And since they appear as round disks, they match in both size and shape allowing total eclipses to be possible. Its unusual large size, the fact that it is always facing us from the same side, and its influence on our planet's ecological balance, are all mysteries that could easily be explained if it was artificially placed there for our benefit.
- The Bible is a compilation of poetic books made by the Jews for the Jews and not the gentiles, even though gentiles are meant to be preached to according to the New Testament. The prophecies Jesus made on Luke chapter 21 coincidentally occured at the end of the age (generation) of Pisces, that ended in 1962, not 2150. To me, these prophecies describe the Jewish Holocaust, and the gentiles here represent the Germans, while Jerusalem represents the Jews, and these prophecies are not about the end of the world as many people believe.
Also coincidentally Jews returned to their so called promised land in 1948 right after their tribulation period.
There was 100,000 eye witnesses at Fatima that saw signs of the Sun in 1917.
Rumors of wars before, and nations rising against nations during, were supposed to be sings that these events were to occur.
Jews were indeed surrounded in cities, imprisoned, and killed by these German armies in concentration camps.
- The hippie movement from the 1960s was a sociological symptom produced by a change of consciousness when we entered the new age of Aquarius as written on Luke 22:10.This mainstream popular 1969 song celebrates that transition:
- Astrology wasn't a pseudoscience in the past, instead it was used as an astronomical calendar, and a way for safely keeping a record of important information to pass through generations, including prophecy.
- The Bible is a compilation of texts that the Catholic church put together during the Synod of Hippo, so naturally many texts early Christians used were not included because priests were highly conservative about what can be allowed to be included, so some of these texts early Christians used were destroyed while others hidden, such as the ones found in the Nag Hammadi Library in 1945.
- The etymology of the word "marriage" comes from the word "Mary", an allusion to Mary Magdalene, who some New Testament apocrypha texts referred as a prostitute. If the wedding at Cana was edited, it would explain why Jesus' mother was concerned about the wine, which as a guest it shouldn't be something the bridegroom should be bothered with.
If the story of the woman that committed adultery was also Mary Magdalene, it would explain why it was important for Jesus to have any saying in her judgement when they wanted to stone her, which would fulfill the Old Testament story of prophet Hosea also marrying a prostitute, which was a big noble deal considering prostitutes were considered to be at the very bottom of society.
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus first appearance after his resurrection was to Mary Magdalene alone, which further reinforces the theory that Catholic priests keep clerical celibacy just to enforce this secret, which makes sense when the purpose of keeping such a secret is to avoid blasphemous profane interpretations of the scriptures, and why texts like the Gospel of Philip where Jesus is said to kiss Mary Magdalene on the mouth, were not included in The Bible.
- According to the story, when Jesus was born the magi kings followed a moving star from Asia, that somehow stood still on top of Bethlehem, to have a kid Mary became pregnant with overnight when visited by an angel, which could suggest artificial insemination, while the angels the shepherds saw during the annunciation are said to have came down from this moving star.
- The Shroud of Turin is the only physical image we have of how Jesus actually looked like, his image was impressed on the mantle by UV radiation when he resurrected, and the image has lasted since then.
- According to the scriptures, Jesus had different transformations, even the apostles didn't recognize him after his resurrection. The particular transformation we see in the Book of Revelation is the one that inspired Akira Toriyama for giving Goku his Ultra Instinct look.
- Mr. Popo and his magic carpet are a secret homage to legendary stories of King Solomon who apparently had links to Africa since Joseph son of Jacob that ruled in Africa was related to him through his ancestors.
- The character of Jesus was actually anti-establishment, and he heavily criticized organized religion such as the one run by the pharisees, but his doctrine was inevitably turned into an organized institution centuries later when it merged with the Roman State, despite his teachings of celebrating among friends with bread and wine, and hanging out with thieves and prostitutes, even straight up saying they were closer to the kingdom of heaven than those in organized institutions.
- According to the story, when Jesus left Earth he went to space (or the sky) covered on a cloud. Before his crucifixion, when Pontius Pilate asked him about his kingdom, Jesus responded that his Kingdom wasn't from this world.
- Distances in our Universe are so vast that even if a civilization develops the technology to travel through our own galaxy, it is likely the same civilization wouldn't have the technology to travel to the nearest galaxy.
- According to Oxford professor Nick Bostrom it is pretty much statistically impossible for our Universe to be the first one that was made, it is mathematically more likely that multiple Universes existed before us, and that many other Universes like ours exist at the same time already.
Under this premise it is pretty much statistically impossible for humans to be the smartest beings on the Universe, or the only intelligent beings existing, and the pinnacle of evolution for intelligent life.
- Time is something that can be traversed just like space, so the future and the past coexist at the same time, but they both have multiple ramifications as the quantum eraser experiment demonstrates.
- Nothing that seems tangible is actually tangible, we perceive it that way, but nothing around us is really concrete, the distance between subatomic particles is so vast that we can confidently say that the Universe is made of nothing, similar to how pixels on a display project an image that isn't tangible or concrete, the way we see things is just an interpretation our brains make. Which is why Plato's analogy of the cave is the most accurate description of our Universe ever devised.
- Reality is stranger than fiction.
- According to our ancestors, ancient civilizations had the ability to travel to Mars back and forth before Mars lost their atmosphere in a supposedly war against the giant planet that was between them and Jupiter, which is where the asteroid belt is now.
- Ancient civilizations had aerial means of transportation as the Nazca lines demonstrate.
- Ancient civilizations were connected around the world respecting Earth's electromagnetic field, and they were proud of their architectural differences, which is why some distinctive architectural characteristics of each culture are still found even with ruins submerged under waters close to where these cultures resided.
- According to our ancestors, extraterrestrial beings or sky beings had a significant communication with them, which is why you can even find the Grey alien species represented at the archeological site of Puma Punku.
- According to Sumerians stories, our ancestors before the big flood had the knowledge to genetically breed different species of animals.
- Large deserts on the planet used to be green forest areas with rich vegetation. The reason why 25% of the Sahara is made of sand and it's rich in salt, is because it was flooded at some point.
- The Egyptian pyramids are a lot older than the scientific community claims. The Sphinx of Egypt was likely made during the mesolithic period.
- Inca people told the Spaniards during the 16th century that Machu Picchu was built by giants around 11,000 years ago then, so around 11,500 years ago now.
- Atlas was at some point king of the world, and the world's capital was one of the ten cities of Atlantis somewhere in northern Africa. Atlas carrying the world was just a poetic representation of his burden as a leader.
- Pangea that seemingly connects the shape of Africa with the shape of South America, may not be as older as geologist claim. The big flood many ancient civilizations around the world talk about could have been a result of these platonic movements that occured rather rapidly, as wild as that may sound, and possibly wiped out previous advance civilizations as ancient texts suggest.
- Dinosaurs and humans coexisted at the same time as the Ica stones demonstrate. Around 50,000 of these stones have been found in South America centuries older than the date the first dinosaur fossil was ever found, which makes it hard to point them as a hoax for that reason.
- According to ancient texts, many extraterrestrials or sky beings mate with human women and had children (Nephilim) that became giants or powerful heroes like mythological figures such as Samson and Hercules.
- Egyptians claim that their founders came from the Orion's constellation, and the pyramids were made matching the positioning of Orion's belt stars for that reason.
- Angels are space beings that are luminous, and the light that emanates from them is what makes it look like they have wings as seem by 6 different cellphone video cameras, and Israel's own weather satellite imagery when they appeared on Temple Mount in 2011. It was so controversial that some people try to edit on top to discredit the event.
- Iraq was Babylon, and before that it was Mesopotamia were the Sumerians lived. The Annunaki were sky visitors that had wrist watches and carried purses.
- Eden was described to be a place located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Those rivers still exist today surrounding Iraq.
- The creation mythical story is poetic, not literal, so when it says the spirit was moving over the water it likely refers that life was already found on the water in the form of microorganisms, and that the Earth didn't have a proper type of atmosphere, so it was modified in order for plants, animals, and then humans, were able to live on the planet. The previous atmosphere used to cover the visibility of the Sun, but it was made clear for life to flourish on our planet.
- Akira Toriyama based his Goku name on Quetzalcoatl, also known as Kukulkán, and also known as Gukumatz for Mayans in Central America. A space being that taught love and performed miracles. He had a human nature represented by a serpent which is the closest animal to the Earth, and a divine nature represented by his feathers which come from birds and the closest animals to the sky. This is also why his show contains many serpentine dragon symbolism also found in many Asian cultures.
- The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun. But the Moon is also about 400 times closer to the Earth than is the Sun. As a result, the size of the Moon on our sky matches the size of the Sun. And since they appear as round disks, they match in both size and shape allowing total eclipses to be possible. Its unusual large size, the fact that it is always facing us from the same side, and its influence on our planet's ecological balance, are all mysteries that could easily be explained if it was artificially placed there for our benefit.
- The Bible is a compilation of poetic books made by the Jews for the Jews and not the gentiles, even though gentiles are meant to be preached to according to the New Testament. The prophecies Jesus made on Luke chapter 21 coincidentally occured at the end of the age (generation) of Pisces, that ended in 1962, not 2150. To me, these prophecies describe the Jewish Holocaust, and the gentiles here represent the Germans, while Jerusalem represents the Jews, and these prophecies are not about the end of the world as many people believe.
Also coincidentally Jews returned to their so called promised land in 1948 right after their tribulation period.
There was 100,000 eye witnesses at Fatima that saw signs of the Sun in 1917.
Rumors of wars before, and nations rising against nations during, were supposed to be sings that these events were to occur.
Jews were indeed surrounded in cities, imprisoned, and killed by these German armies in concentration camps.
- The hippie movement from the 1960s was a sociological symptom produced by a change of consciousness when we entered the new age of Aquarius as written on Luke 22:10.This mainstream popular 1969 song celebrates that transition:
- Astrology wasn't a pseudoscience in the past, instead it was used as an astronomical calendar, and a way for safely keeping a record of important information to pass through generations, including prophecy.
- The Bible is a compilation of texts that the Catholic church put together during the Synod of Hippo, so naturally many texts early Christians used were not included because priests were highly conservative about what can be allowed to be included, so some of these texts early Christians used were destroyed while others hidden, such as the ones found in the Nag Hammadi Library in 1945.
- The etymology of the word "marriage" comes from the word "Mary", an allusion to Mary Magdalene, who some New Testament apocrypha texts referred as a prostitute. If the wedding at Cana was edited, it would explain why Jesus' mother was concerned about the wine, which as a guest it shouldn't be something the bridegroom should be bothered with.
If the story of the woman that committed adultery was also Mary Magdalene, it would explain why it was important for Jesus to have any saying in her judgement when they wanted to stone her, which would fulfill the Old Testament story of prophet Hosea also marrying a prostitute, which was a big noble deal considering prostitutes were considered to be at the very bottom of society.
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus first appearance after his resurrection was to Mary Magdalene alone, which further reinforces the theory that Catholic priests keep clerical celibacy just to enforce this secret, which makes sense when the purpose of keeping such a secret is to avoid blasphemous profane interpretations of the scriptures, and why texts like the Gospel of Philip where Jesus is said to kiss Mary Magdalene on the mouth, were not included in The Bible.
- According to the story, when Jesus was born the magi kings followed a moving star from Asia, that somehow stood still on top of Bethlehem, to have a kid Mary became pregnant with overnight when visited by an angel, which could suggest artificial insemination, while the angels the shepherds saw during the annunciation are said to have came down from this moving star.
- The Shroud of Turin is the only physical image we have of how Jesus actually looked like, his image was impressed on the mantle by UV radiation when he resurrected, and the image has lasted since then.
- According to the scriptures, Jesus had different transformations, even the apostles didn't recognize him after his resurrection. The particular transformation we see in the Book of Revelation is the one that inspired Akira Toriyama for giving Goku his Ultra Instinct look.
- Mr. Popo and his magic carpet are a secret homage to legendary stories of King Solomon who apparently had links to Africa since Joseph son of Jacob that ruled in Africa was related to him through his ancestors.
- The character of Jesus was actually anti-establishment, and he heavily criticized organized religion such as the one run by the pharisees, but his doctrine was inevitably turned into an organized institution centuries later when it merged with the Roman State, despite his teachings of celebrating among friends with bread and wine, and hanging out with thieves and prostitutes, even straight up saying they were closer to the kingdom of heaven than those in organized institutions.
- According to the story, when Jesus left Earth he went to space (or the sky) covered on a cloud. Before his crucifixion, when Pontius Pilate asked him about his kingdom, Jesus responded that his Kingdom wasn't from this world.
- Distances in our Universe are so vast that even if a civilization develops the technology to travel through our own galaxy, it is likely the same civilization wouldn't have the technology to travel to the nearest galaxy.
- According to Oxford professor Nick Bostrom it is pretty much statistically impossible for our Universe to be the first one that was made, it is mathematically more likely that multiple Universes existed before us, and that many other Universes like ours exist at the same time already.
Under this premise it is pretty much statistically impossible for humans to be the smartest beings on the Universe, or the only intelligent beings existing, and the pinnacle of evolution for intelligent life.
- Time is something that can be traversed just like space, so the future and the past coexist at the same time, but they both have multiple ramifications as the quantum eraser experiment demonstrates.
- Nothing that seems tangible is actually tangible, we perceive it that way, but nothing around us is really concrete, the distance between subatomic particles is so vast that we can confidently say that the Universe is made of nothing, similar to how pixels on a display project an image that isn't tangible or concrete, the way we see things is just an interpretation our brains make. Which is why Plato's analogy of the cave is the most accurate description of our Universe ever devised.
- Reality is stranger than fiction.